Creating A Vision Board

Creating A Vision Board

It's that time again! Vision board... Planning, Dreaming, Goals, Bucketlists. Whatever you would like to accomplish, whether it's short term or long term, you can map it all out on a Vision Board. I love doing these because it helps me see where I am and where I want to go in life. It also keeps me on task.

It's been about 2 years since I've done one of these, so I'm going to dust off my old one (a lot has happened in 2 years) and see what I achieved or where I fell off and need to get back on. It's okay to fall as long as you don't stay there too long.

They are easy to make. It's cheap, fun, and an eye opener. Vision Boarding is also a craft. Think of it as you creating your plans, goals, and dreams!

First, lets talk about the types of things you can put on your vision board. You can put just about anything. Here are some ideas:

1. Travel

Maybe you want to travel more or you are planning a vacation. You can put pictures or phrases that represent those goals and plans. Maybe you want to take a cruise and want to plan excursions. Pictures of those items will keep you focused and excited.

2. Money

Everyone would love to win the lottery and to be rich. Let's face it, you have to be really lucky to do that. What were the odds of hitting the Powerball and Mega Millions? Like 1 in a google trillion. Okay, okay, I made up that number, but you get my drift? I want to be debt-free so my family and I can live more comfortably and not have to always feel stretched when it comes down to the budget.

A sure way of getting there is by planning and creating a vision board. You can put up pictures of items you are saving towards, like a new car, or a new home. It doesn't have to be a big ticket item. Maybe you want to save more at the grocery put up pictures of your favorite store with coupons as a reminder to use them.

3. Health

With the health craze that gets big attention at the start of the new year, there are new health clubs that open up, there are new fad diets, new ways to cook, and eat. It's so easy to start a new regimen...but, can you keep it up and stay focused for the entire length of time? A vision board can help you with that.

You can pin up pictures of the healthy foods you want to eat. You can put up your workout schedule, encouraging words and inspirational phrases. Pin up the weight goal you want to achieve. Include things that help you stay focused and make you say, "it's tough, but I got this."

4. Career/School

Want a promotion at work? Are you wanting to learn a new skill. You want to lay out you plan with a vision board. Ask yourself questions? What do I need in order to move up to the next level? Maybe you need to learn new software, or need to polish up on your Excel skills. A vision board helps to lay it out and helps hold you accountable to yourself.

5. Crafting Ideas

Hey...this is right down my alley. Crafters, have you ever ran across projects that you want to try only to lose the website you were on, or it came across your Facebook feed to never see it again? Or how about this one, you took a screenshot of it but you have so many screenshots of stuff, that you never hardly go back to them? Oh I feel your pain.

A vision board will work for that too. You can pick 2 to 3 projects you really want to do and plan them out. Pin up inspirational quotes and pictures of finished projects. Go for it!

So I have given you some ideas for your vision board. It is now up to you to plan and create. What's that you say? What do you need to get started? Oh yeah, that was a big purpose of this post.

First of all, don't over think this. It's simple and cheap. Here are some things you can use. You might even have all of this already at your disposal.

  • Poster board or foam board
  • Magazines
  • Family pictures
  • Art supplies like glue, glitter, stickers, scissors, tape, markers, crayons, paper
  • Your vision
  • Your creativity

It's not hard to do. Invite friends and make it a party. Like minded people makes it fun. I will be doing mine this weekend and I can't wait. Happy Vision Boarding!

Note: Images are not mine. These are just visuals from the web to help you with some ideas.

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